Monday 1 April 2013

"Needle Tining" or "Cluster Tining" with a Groundsman 345 Aerator

In season "Needle Tining" or "Cluster Tining" with a Groundsman 345 Aerator on a Bowls Green

With the Vertical Action there is no disruption to the playing surface, the finshed effect is a "Knitting Needle" dia hole, only 5/16" in dia at quite a dense spacing of inch and a quarter by inch and a quarter, so the green is peppered with shallow holes.

All we doing is keeping the playing surface open and letting
it breathe , does a fantastic job especially prior to feed and fertiliser applications aiding the ingress of product , plus aiding surface drainage

As you can see, cluster tines leave no surfcace disruption
Regular monthly Needle tining can transform a green over a season

To quote a local bowls club chairman " Dean, this time last year our green was one of the poorest in our league , following your " little and often " approach to maintenance it's now one of the best greens in our league"

And the savings made in not having to buy any "miracle cure" products has reduced the maintenance costs, reduced disease costs ,increased root depth with helps the plant to become more drought resistant, plus the improved quality of the green has not only help retain existing members , but brought in several new members for the new season


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